Ice Cream Obstacle Course

Compete in this challenging obstacle course…and at the end you’ll have a fresh batch of ice cream! Working together as a team is an important part of this ice cream game.
What You’ll Need
- 2 Play and Freeze Ice Cream Balls
- Paper with obstacle course instructions for each team
- Ice Cream Ingredients
- Start and finish lines
- Timer
How to Play
Divide people up into two equal teams, giving each team an ice cream ball.
Explain the course to the children (example below) and give both teams a paper with instructions to follow.
Place ice cream ingredients in balls and set timer so that you know when the ice cream is done.
When the timer goes off the first time – both teams must stop what they are doing, open the ball, and stir the ice cream.
After the ice cream has been stirred – both teams restart at the same time.
When the timer goes off the second time – the team that has completed the most of the obstacle course wins!
Example Obstacle Course
*Note: The more people you have per team – the less “obstacles” you will need to include. If teams complete the whole obstacle course – they must start again at the beginning and see how far they get repeating the course.
1. Funny Bone Relay
- Team lines up at the starting line.
- The first person places the ball on the ground and tries to roll the ball to the finish line and back to the starting line – using only his elbow!
- When he gets back to the starting line, it’s the next person’s turn.
- Game continues until everyone has had a turn.
2. Pass the Ball Under and Over
- Have team stand in a line.
- The first person passes the ball to the person behind him over his head, the second person passes the ball to the person behind him through his legs, the third person passes the ball to the person behind him over his head and so on until the ball gets to the last person in the line.
- The last person passes the ball to the person in front of him over that person’s head, then the ball is passed to the person in front of him through that person’s legs and so on until the ball gets to the front of the line.
3. Jumping Relay
- The person with the ball stands at the starting line and jumps to the finish line and then back to the starting line. He must jump with his feet together while holding the ball.
- When he gets to the starting line, he passes the ball off to the next person in line.
- This continues until everyone has had a turn.
4. Target Practice
- Stand an empty soda bottle on the finish line.
- Have the first person on a team stand on the starting line and roll the ball at the empty soda bottle.
- If he doesn’t knock the soda bottle over, he must retrieve the ball, go back to the starting line, and try again until he knocks the soda bottle over.
- When he knocks the soda bottle over, he must retrieve the ball, set up the soda bottle, and pass the ball to the next person in line.
- Team continues until everyone has knocked the soda bottle over.
5. Head Hitter Relay
- Team lines up at the starting line.
- The first person places the ball on the ground, gets down on his hands and knees and rolls the ball to the finish line and back to the starting line – using only his head to roll the ball.
- When he gets back to the starting line, it’s the next person’s turn.
- Game continues until everyone has had a turn.
6. Nursery Rhyme Shake
- Team sits in a circle.
- The person with the ball recites a nursery rhyme while shaking the ball. After he’s finished reciting the nursery rhyme, he passes the ball to the next person in the circle.
- Everyone in the circle must shake the ball while reciting a nursery rhyme. Every nursery rhyme must be different – no nursery rhymes may be recited twice. Team members may help each other come up with different nursery rhyme ideas.
- Game continues until everyone has recited a different nursery rhyme.
7. Backwards Sitting Relay
- Team lines up at the starting line.
- The first person places the ball on the ground, sits down on the ground with his back to the ice cream ball. He must scoot backwards, using only his back to get the ball to the finish line and back to the starting line.
- When he gets back to the starting line, it’s the next person’s turn.
- Game continues until everyone has had a turn.
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