How to Make Ice Cream in a Bag
Learn how to make ice cream in a bag. It’s easy and fun…and especially if you don’t have an ice cream maker – you’ll want to do it again and again.

It can be the perfect solution for whipping up a quick delicious treat for family or guests, and a fun way to spend time with your kids. And you probably already have the ingredients on hand.
When it comes to making ice cream in a bag you are going to need some basic ingredients…plastic zipper bags, milk, sugar, vanilla extract, salt, and ice cubes.
You can make as much or as little as you want by adjusting the ingredient amounts and bag sizes.
This recipe will make one serving.
1/2 cup Milk
1 tbsp Sugar
1.2 tsp Vanilla extract
6 tbsp Salt
2 cups Ice cubes
1 Sandwich sized plastic zipper bag
1 Quart sized plastic zipper bag
To get started on your “how to make ice cream in a bag adventure,” combine the vanilla, sugar, and milk in a bowl.
Then pour this mixture into the SMALLER zipper bag and seal it tightly. Be sure to get any excess air out before sealing shut.
Next, put the salt and ice cubes in the LARGER zipper bag, and place the smaller zipper bag inside the larger one with the salt and ice cubes and seal it closed completely. Again, remove any excess air before sealing shut.
Finally, using both hands, shake and squeeze the bags for 5-10 minutes. You will notice the mixture thickening.
Continue to shake until it reaches the desired consistency.
Before you remove your fresh and tasty treat from the smaller zipper bag rinse off the outside of the bag to remove any salt, otherwise you may wind up with salty flavored ice cream.
And that is how to make ice cream in a bag – easy, huh?
Spicing It Up a Little
There are a lot of ways you can add to the fun by varying the recipe.
Try adding food coloring, a different extract flavoring like mint or almond, or toss in some of your favorite candy pieces at the very end (after the ice cream is done).
Making ice cream in a bag gives you the chance to create something that’s extra special and absolutely delicious. For kids, it’s fun because they can make it themselves.
This is also a great way to teach kids in a classroom setting about matter.
They can watch liquids become a solid right before their eyes. Simple ingredients, quick results and they can even eat it afterward.
Helpful Hint: You might want to wear gloves to prevent your hands from freezing too!
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