Blindfolded Ice Cream Eating Game
In this Blindfolded Ice Cream Eating Game, no one will stay completely clean, but everyone will end up having a blast…and hopefully get to enjoy a little ice cream as well! This game is best played by teens and adults. some ice cream.

What You’ll Need
- Blindfolds
- Trash bags
- Bowls of ice cream
- Ice cream spoons
- Chairs
How to Play
Choose 2 volunteers.
If you are feeling nice, you can cut a “head hole” at the bottom of the trash bag and allow your volunteers to wear a trash bag poncho for protection against falling ice cream.
You may also want to cover the area under your volunteers with a tarp or trash bag covering.
Blindfold two people.
Have them sit in chairs facing each other and within reach of each other.
Give one person a bowl full of ice cream and an ice cream spoon.
Have the other person place their hands behind their back – so they aren’t tempted to help the other person.
The person with the bowl of ice cream has to try to feed the other person.
Yes, there are bound to be a few mishaps.
This is a fun game to watch and results in a lot of laughs!
Pair everyone up into groups of two.
Blindfold everyone and have each pair sit in chairs opposite one another.
Give one person in every pair a bowl of ice cream and a spoon, having the other person place their hands behind their back.
On go, the pairs race to see which team can finish their bowl of ice cream first while spilling the least amount of ice cream.
Make sure to supervise this game so that no one gets hurt with a spoon in the eye, etc.
This game will probably be a little messy – so make sure you plan ahead.
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