Cherry Pleaser Ice Cream Pie

1 quart vanilla ice cream, softened
1 cookie crumb pie crust (8 – 9 inch)
1 can cherry pie filling
Whipped Cream for garnish
Spread half of ice cream over pie crust. Smooth ice cream to form a flat surface.
Spread 1/2 of pie filling on top.
Freeze about 30-40 minutes so that pie filling becomes firm (but not completely frozen).
Spread the remaining softened ice cream on top.
Freeze again (at least 2 hours) until ice cream is firm.
Before serving, top with remaining pie filling and garnish your ice cream pie with whipped cream.
Warning: Pie filling in middle may become icy. If this is the case, allow it to sit out for a while before serving.
To make your own vanilla ice cream for this pie, check out our homemade vanilla ice cream recipe.
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